Theory of Multiple Intelligence Test
All humans possess all Multiple intelligence in ranging amounts. Each individual has a different sort of intellectual composition. We all can improve education and learning style addressing 9 multiple intelligences of our students. These multiple intelligence are centered at different parts of the brain Lobes. Intelligence may either work individually or together depends on ability. All these intelligence will define the human personality type.

9 Multiple Intelligence Test

  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)
  • Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
  • Musical Intelligence (Musical Smart)
  • Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart)
  • Existential Intelligence (Phil Smart)
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart)
  • Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)
  • Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)

Benefits of Multiple Intelligence Test for Children

  • Know your child inborn talents and natural character
  • Identify your Children innate abilities
  • Understand best learning style for Your Child
  • Customize the learning programs based on Child learning style
  • Improve the relationship between children and parents
  • Understand the right parenting techniques and teaching style
  • Select the Activities based upon their Multiple Intelligence and innate abilities